Mar 17, 2012
This was the final Media Network audio show of all, broadcast in October 2000 just before we went back to winter time. It was really a thank you to the audience for sharing so much time with us over 2 decades. We certainly had worked out the pace of the programme by that time - and I believe it's strength was that it...
Mar 16, 2012
I thought I'd post these two shows as a pair. This was the last but one Media Network which contained extracts from the WRUL/WNYW with Lou Josephs and the Prague story 1945/1968. We were celebrating the strength of the documentaries.
Mar 16, 2012
This was another milestone, at least for me, hosting the 1000th edition of Media Network at the start of March 2000. We used the programme to share some of the behind the scene stories and celebrate anecodotes with our contributors. Andy Sennitt, the retiring editor of the Media Network blog in 2012, explains how he got...
Mar 16, 2012
This was my first programme as a host and producer on Radio Netherlands. It is August 7th 1980. I had arrived a few days before from the UK and was on the air within 48 hours. You can hear that I'm already trying to reduce the amount of music, which is why the name of DX Juke Box morphed into Media Network. As the Media...
Mar 9, 2012
We start with news of changes in ownership in Soviet media. Victor Goonetilleke reports on a mysterious station calling itself Colombo International Radio. Radio Ulan Batar now on 22 metres, VOA announced that Radio Marti and Worldnet are to be merged. Albanian refugees in Italy demand loudspeakers to listen to VOA...