Feb 12, 2012
This programme looks at how amateur radio helped in the aftermath of the two earthquakes which hit El Salvador in October 1986. Around 1000 messages were sent on behalf of official organisation. 14313 kHz is the emergency frequency to monitor. Bob Horvitz reports on the political clandestine stations beaming into the...
Feb 12, 2012
This programme was one of several in the period to look at clandestine radio broadcasting. Although there were later programmes that went into detail about number stations, the remarks by Professor John Campbell of the University of London Computer Science Dept were spot on. I wonder if there is any on-line evidence of...
Feb 12, 2012
What were ANARC meetings like 25 years ago? ANARC was the Association of North American Radio Clubs, coming from an era when groups would organise around their passion for listening to distant radio stations on AM, FM, and/or shortwave. I think their peak was in the late 80's, when there were still plenty of stations on...
Feb 12, 2012
The photo was taken outside Polish Radio in Warsaw in 2005. The programme that accompanies it was made in August 1988, a difficult time for Poland. There were at least 15 illegal FM stations on the air, trying to combat the official government voice coming out of the Polish Radio building.
Do you remember...
Feb 10, 2012
This news edition of the programme included news of the WRTH award scheme. We examine Jim Frimmel's computer program which will record audio off air, and talk to German reviewer Rainer Lichte about the Grundig Satelliet 500. There's a short extract from the DX Window programme on Radio Denmark. Jorgen T Madsen explains...