Mar 2, 2010
A few nights before the Americans went into Kuwait with Operation Desert Storm on 17th January 1991 to liberate it from the Iraqi's, Russian troops went into Vilnius, the capital of what is now the independent country of Lithuania. This is the story of that Russian invasion as recounted by Radio Vilnius, operating at the time from the recording studios of the blind foundation. It is also an amazing story of how listeners to Radio Vilnius got a front-row seat in what was happening. The sign-off music from the station is one of the most evocative you will ever hear and always remember.
Wow, a chilling programme detailing events not far from either Holland or the UK and not that long ago.
Is that a minidisc beep I hear at the beginning incidentally? Sounds like my Sharp 701!
Hi, Jonathan Marks.
Thanks for podcasting some of your shows. I could listen some of them here in Brazil although I could not understand completely because my limited English but now I think I will understand them completely.
I always loved Media Network and it\'s great to hear the shows again on demand from your archive. Congratulations on a great idea!
Thanks for your support. Just hit 5000 subscribers to these vintage shows. Your support is great.
More shows? There will be more editions posted as from March 22nd 2010. Have hit the monthly limit imposed by this website.
Thanks Jonathan. good to hear these again. Still miss MN to this day
I listyened to every program, right from the start. This is a fantastic project and resource.
Thank you for posting these, Jonathan. I also was a regular listener to your show and frequently recorded them to cassette and CD to listen to when driving to work. It was also a pleasure to meet you in the early 1990s during your visit to Minneapolis.
Hi Tom. I remember the visit to the radio studios well. Wish I had the HD video camera with me then. I\'m going to combine these vintage recordings with new material I am shooting on video.
Thanks for putting up this show, Jonathan, and all the others! This was one of the first Media Network shows I ever heard, and I tuned in every week after that until the show ended. Terrific show!