Nov 24, 2012
This first half of this edition looked at the start of Radio Netherlands in 1947 and the challenges it faced in the questions srrounding Indonesia at the time. Was it an instrument of government propaganda. The second half of this episode looks at clandestine broadcasting across Africa, illustrated with unique off-air recordings from the late Richard Ginbey.
He was based just outside Johnannesburg at the time, but has managed to collect off-air clips from a multitude of stations. This includes the Voice of Namibia, Polisario Front - Voice of Free Africa, and the various stations targeting the warring factions in Angola. I believe the recordings of the Zimbabwean clandestines haven't been heard for years.
I wonder if anyone recognises the music used by the Voice of Truth (20 minutes into the programme). It sounds like a film score, but although I have tried various services like Shazam, still don't know the title. Be careful - it is very very catchy and even 30 years later I can hum the melody. Wish I knew where it came from!